• Maternity

Maternity Care Center

Private, Comfortable Delivery Rooms for Your Big Day

Every birth is a special event, one that is accompanied by a lot of excitement and anxiety. Planning for your delivery is no small task, and at Major Health Partners, we’re committed to making the big day an outstanding experience. Our Maternity Care Center consists of private rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Each room is designed to create a safe, relaxing atmosphere that provides the comforts and feel of home. Our skilled and compassionate staff will be by your side every step of the way when the time comes to bring your newborn into the world.

Dedicated Care for Mother & Child

Maternity care focuses on the health and wellbeing of two parties, mothers and their newborn(s). This unit is staffed with board-certified physicians who are supported by a skilled nursing staff certified in Neonatal Resuscitation and Advanced Cardiac Life Support. We are committed to maintaining a warm, inviting atmosphere where patients are encouraged to speak openly and tell us what they need. Delivery is both an exciting and difficult time. Our team goes above and beyond to create a positive, healthy experience that makes your delivery day an event you can fondly remember.

MHP is proud to continue to grow and implement new services to best serve our patients. As part of this effort, we are now offering nitrous oxide as a pain management option during labor and delivery.

What is nitrous oxide?
Nitrous oxide (also known as nitrous or laughing gas) is a colorless, non-flammable, tasteless, and odorless gas that can be inhaled in low-doses during labor and delivery to take the edge off the pain and anxiety. It is self-administered on-demand by the patient via a mask. The system uses a low-dose mixture of the gas, 50 percent nitrous oxide mixed with 50 percent oxygen; and usually within 15 seconds of use, women feel more relaxed. Your pain will not be totally gone but will become more manageable. Our staff will instruct you on how to properly use the nitrous. Read more here.

MHP is recognized as an INspire Hospital of Distinction by the Indiana Hospital Association (IHA) for their commitment to implementing best practices for improving maternal and infant health. By focusing on critical areas like safe infant sleep, breastfeeding, perinatal substance use, AIM safety bundles, maternal hypertension, and addressing social drivers of health, MHP is contributing to healthier outcomes for mothers and babies.

  • Need to contact our Maternity Care Center?
  • Call us today at 317.398.5295

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