Oncology Behavioral Health
- Assessment and intervention for Psychosocial distress:
- Support groups and patient mentor connections
- Referrals to community resources
- Long-term care and end-of-life planning
- Assistance in accessing financial aid
- Decision-making related to career, retirement, disability
- Education on diagnosis, carcinogens, healthy lifestyle choices, resources
- Spiritual support and chaplain referrals
- Counseling for Oncology/Hematology patients and their families:
- Understanding of diagnosis and treatment options
- Communicating with health care team and family
- Coping with illness and the grieving of losses
- Living with cancer and/or the fear of recurrence
- End-of-life transitioning, legacy work, and bereavement support
- Adjusting to physical and mental changes
- Reviewing life purpose and meaning
- Addressing spiritual needs and distress
- Treating anxiety/panic, depression, anger, and trauma
All MHP Oncology and Hematology patients are regularly screened for Psychosocial distress, using the NCCN Distress Thermometer and the PHQ-2. Patients reporting and/or exhibiting distress are referred to the Social Worker for follow-up. Patients and families can also self-refer. Regardless of reported distress, the Social Worker introduces social services and offers support to all Oncology patients actively in treatment.
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