• Neurology


Comprehensive Treatment for Neurological Disorders in Shelby County

Neurology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders that affect the brain, nerves, and nervous system. Physicians often refer patients to a neurologist when their patients suffer from complex symptoms that require more specialized diagnostic tests. Neurologists have comprehensive knowledge of how the brain, spine, and nerves all relate to each other. They can help pinpoint the cause of numerous medical problems, including:

  • Chronic headaches and migraines
  • Seizures
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Dizzy spells
  • Vision problems
  • Memory loss
  • Sleep problems
  • Tremors or tingling in various parts of the body
  • Chronic pain or numb feeling in the limbs or skin
  • Difficulty walking

Many families with aging adults are unaware of the several available memory care options and programs in their area that can help them support a high quality of life. Click here for the Indiana Memory Care Guide

  • Call us today to schedule an appointment.
  • Call 317.398.5267

MHP Neurology
2451 Intelliplex Drive | Suite 250 | Shelbyville, IN 46176

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