Diabetes Prevention Program
Professional Support to Keep You Healthy
Nearly 84 million American adults have prediabetes – this makes them more likely to develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years if they do not take preventative action. Luckily, diabetes can be prevented by implementing simple lifestyle changes.
The actions you can take to prevent diabetes include:
- Eating healthier
- Exercising more
- Losing a modest amount of weight
Prediabetes is reversible but diabetes is not. Major Health Partners’ Diabetes Prevention Program can help you adopt and maintain these healthy habits to reduce your risk of developing the disease and ensure that you can live life to its fullest.
Our program provides a supportive environment where participants join together in small groups to learn about how they can prevent diabetes and encourage each other to take action. We also offer distance learning and an online program, in addition to in-person. The ultimate goal is that every participant can reduce his or her body weight by 5% and increase his or her amount of physical activity to 150 minutes per week. The program lasts for a year, beginning with 16 weekly sessions followed by monthly maintenance sessions.
Topics covered in weekly sessions are as follows:
- Welcome to the Diabetes Prevention Program
- Be a Calorie Detective
- Healthy Eating
- Move Those Muscles
- Tip the Calorie Balance
- Take Charge of What’s Around You
- Problem Solving
- Four Keys to Healthy Eating Out
- Step Up Your Activity Plan
- Make Social Cues Work for You
- Manage Your Stress
- Ways to Stay Motivated
- Manage Slips and Self-defeating Thoughts
- Take Charge of Your Lifestyle
- Strengthen Your Physical Activity Plan
- Mindful Eating, Mindful Movement
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