3-18-2020 | First Positive Confirmation

As of Wednesday, March 18, 2020 MHP has tested a total of 36 patients for
COVID-19. Today we received our first positive confirmation. A joint press
release from ISDH and the Shelby County Health Department is forthcoming.
The patient was screened appropriately upon entry to the facility and
our staff that came in contact with the patient were fully protected in
the appropriate PPE. The patient was quickly transferred to a higher level
of care outside of MHP. This is Shelby County’s first confirmed
case and it is clear the virus is present throughout Central Indiana.
We want to reinforce the importance of washing your hands with soap and
water and staying home if you are experiencing flu like symptoms that
do not require immediate medical care. If you think you may have been
exposed to the COVID-19 virus please call our hotline at 317-392-DOCS
and a member of our care team will assist you. Please do not drive to
your physician’s office or urgent care facility for testing. Testing
kits are still limited in Indiana and are not available at these locations.
For the most current and reliable information visit
www.cdc.gov/. We will also continue to post updates to the MHP website at