Announcing the Heartwood Club! “Heartwood” is the inner part of a tree’s trunk, and it’s the part that gives the tree strength. Sign up to make a recurring gift, and you will become a charter member of the Heartwood Club. Your recurring gifts will strengthen the ability of the Major Hospital Foundation to carry out its mission.

Why should I join?

You can make smaller, more frequent gifts that add up to a larger gift, increasing your impact in a way that you will feel in your heart but not so much in your checkbook. That’s a nice feeling!

How do I join?

Visit and make your gift online in any amount. Then click “recurring giving.”

Here’s what happens…

Depending on the frequency you select, your debit or credit card will be charged automatically. It’s safe and secure, and now you are a member of the Heartwood Club!

And of course, the Acorn Club, Royal Oak Society and Major Women’s Alliance will not go away. You can be a member of both!

Here’s what Bill and Mary did:

Bill and Mary are members of the Acorn Club. They give $200.00 a year. (Acorn Club members give anywhere from $100 to $999 each year).

When they heard about recurring giving, they went online to and signed up for a recurring gift of $20.00 per month.

They are now giving $240 a year, they don’t have to do a thing, and they barely notice it. They are still members of the Acorn Club, and now they’re members of the Heartwood Club, too. Best of all, they’ve increased their impact on something they care about by twenty percent.