Healthcare Decisions Day
April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day and MHP is providing information and tools for the public to talk about their healthcare wishes with family, friends and healthcare providers, and execute written advance directives (healthcare power of attorney and living will) in accordance with Indiana state laws.
On April 16, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. MHP is welcoming the public throughout the day to MHP Medical Center, with free information about advance care planning and advance directive forms. The MHP Palliative Care team will be hosting an information booth in the 2nd-floor lobby (near the top of the main staircase) and in MHP Oncology for anyone who would like more information or assistance with advanced directives should stop by and talk with a staff member.
On April 16, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. MHP is welcoming the public throughout the day to MHP Medical Center, with free information about advance care planning and advance directive forms. The MHP Palliative Care team will be hosting an information booth in the 2nd-floor lobby (near the top of the main staircase) and in MHP Oncology for anyone who would like more information or assistance with advanced directives should stop by and talk with a staff member.

Upcoming Events
MHP Medical Center
2325 Intelliplex Drive
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Janice Huntsman, RN, BSN, CHPN, CHPCAHospice and Palliative Care
Room: 2nd Floor Lobby
Registration Type: No Registration Required